
Monday, February 14, 2011

Pet Velociraptor is Back!

Yes, this has been yet another abandoned Blog here on the Intarwebz... and that's my fault. But, we're back, and better than ever! (Okay, so pretty much exactly the same as ever, but I got carried away). Since the blog was updated, there have been some sizable changes in my life, and I'll be addressing them here as I get back into the swing of all things blogorhythmic.

The biggest change of all is - at this point in time - a very small thing, but in June will be making a big debut on the world, and especially on my and Kelli's life. So, what does this mean to you, my captive audience? Expect a new quasi-regular feature on Pet Velociraptor, one that has caused me to dust off my tablet and drawing programs. More to come on that in the future.

Anyway, I'm back to the blogosphere (or should that be "trapped in the blogosphere"?), and I'll do my best to keep things fresh, and keep you all entertained. In the meantime, check out Kelli's blog at . She's behind on updating it, but we'll cut her some slack, as she's currently growing a human.

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